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An Orange walks into a bar.

The bartender looks him over, thinks about it, and says “You know, I like you. You’ve got a lot of a peel!”

The Orange is another fruit that has a questionable origin, but most people trace it back to ancient China. Oranges are considered citrus fruit, and come in many different varieties. The most popular varieties include the Valencia and Navel, though many more types exist.

The Orange can be described as having a sweet-sour flavor, and is used in many dishes and products.

Did you know?
  • Almost 70 million tons of Oranges are cultivated every year, and Brazil leads the way as the largest producer of Oranges worldwide.
  • Orange peels contain chemicals that repel pests naturally. Sliced Orange peels are used as a natural pesticide in gardens around the world.

We can source Oranges in the following formats:

  • Juice Concentrates
  • NFC Juices
  • Purees

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Encore Fruit Marketing, Inc.

120 West Bonita Ave, Suite 204, San Dimas, CA 91773-3035 USA

sales@encorefruit.com   |   Phone: (909) 394-5640   |   Fax: (909) 394-5646

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